Virtualization for Disaster Recovery: VARs and Resellers as Architects of Resilience


When navigating the intricate terrains of the digital age, unforeseen disruptions loom like shadows – prompting the need for novel fortifications. In such a scenario, virtualization emerges as a linchpin that Value-Added resellers (VARs)  and resellers can masterfully employ to chisel a new domain of digital robustness.

The Alchemy of Virtualization and Business Continuity

Modern enterprises incessantly strive for an impervious disaster recovery plan, aware that the ramifications of unforeseen system downtimes or data loss can be cataclysmic. A report asserted that an hour of unplanned downtime can cost businesses over $300,000 on average, underscoring the magnitude of the challenge.

This is where virtualization steps in. It facilitates the creation of virtual instances of servers, storage devices, and network resources, facilitating the decentralization of physical assets. This decentralization is the sine qua non for rapid recovery since it engenders a layer of abstraction between hardware and data.

The Protagonist Role of VARs and Resellers

VARs and resellers, with their in-depth comprehension of intricate client infrastructures, are uniquely poised to implement, optimize, and maintain these virtual environments. However, their real potency lies in sculpting a resilient model tailored to the specifics of each enterprise. Here are the strategies they can consider:

Holistic Infrastructure Assessment: A meticulous assessment of the current infrastructure is pivotal before embarking on the virtualization odyssey. This involves discerning the interplay of applications, discerning latency sensitivities, and deciphering Interdependencies.

Decentralized Backup Regimes: Leveraging the integrity of virtualization, VARs should recommend a hybrid backup model, amalgamating both on-premises and cloud-based solutions. This duality ensures a swift switch to a backup environment should the primary site suffer perturbations.

Ensuring Immutability: With ransomware attacks becoming more sophisticated, cyber security attacks are predicted to cost the global economy $8 trillion. Given this, VARs should proactively advocate for immutable virtual environments, rendering them impervious to such onslaughts.

Regularized Testing: A virtualized environment's efficacy is futile if untested. Periodic dry runs should be sacrosanct, ensuring the system responds optimally when disaster strikes.

Customized Disaster Recovery Blueprints: No two enterprises have congruent needs. Consequently, bespoke disaster recovery plans, leveraging the scalability of virtualization, should be crafted.

Trends Shaping the Virtualization Landscape

With the burgeoning relevance of virtualization – certain trends are emerging that VARs and resellers should cognize -

Containerization: It involves encapsulating an application with its dependencies into a 'container.' With giants like Docker and Kubernetes catalyzing this movement, VARs must fathom its nuances for more streamlined and efficient disaster recovery.

Software-defined Infrastructure (SDI): SDI is the emblem of flexibility predicted to grow at a CAGR of 20% between 2020 and 2030. It decouples the software layer from hardware, enabling faster recovery and resource optimization.


Virtualization is a formidable protagonist in business continuity, ensuring swift recovery and minimal data attrition. As architects of this resilient digital edifice, VARs and resellers are entrusted with a massive responsibility.

By implementing the strategies outlined and a keen awareness of emerging trends, they can transform client infrastructures into strongholds of resilience. In an epoch where data is the lifeline of enterprises, such fortifications are not mere luxuries but profound necessities.