The Power of Technology for Creating Transformational Experiences

Supriya Sharma, Executive Director at BrainGlow Business Services Pvt Ltd

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, the term "digital transformation" has become a recurring theme. It is a profound process that has captured the attention of companies, both large and small, as they seek to harness the opportunities presented by the latest technological advancements, including cloud computing, mobility, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The question that emerges is, what role does this transformation play in shaping the customer experience?

The Evolution of Customer Expectations

In the digital age, where technology is embedded in our daily lives, companies must choose between leading the way of innovation or risk falling behind. With the emergence of what we often refer to as "the experience generations," technology has redefined how people perceive and interact with the world. These new generations no longer settle for the ordinary.

They have grown up in a world where seamless connectivity and instant gratification are the norm. As a result, their expectations have risen to new heights. These "experience generations" include Millennials and Generation Z, digital natives. As such, they are fluent in the language of smartphones, social media, and e-commerce. These generations demand not just products or services but immersive, memorable experiences.

Digital Transformation as a Response

In response to these evolving customer expectations, companies are embracing digital transformation to remain relevant and competitive. This adoption enables businesses to connect with customers on a deeper level. By doing so, they can create experiences that leave a lasting impact. This is how it works —

Personalisation and Data Insights: One of the pivotal ways technology enhances customer experiences is through customised service. A study by Evergage and Researchscape International found that 88% of marketers reported measurable improvements in business results due to personalisation, with more than half reporting an increase of over 10%. Leveraging customisation, companies can collect and analyse vast amounts of data to gain insights into customer preferences, behaviours, and purchasing patterns. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to tailor their offerings and communications to cater to each customer's unique needs and desires. Curated experiences result in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Seamless Omni-Channel Experiences: The advent of digital transformation has empowered businesses to deliver seamless omni-channel experiences to their customers. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, the impact of these experiences is substantial, as customers with the best past experiences tend to spend 140% more than those who had less favourable interactions. This underscores the pivotal role of positive customer journeys in influencing spending behaviour. The essence of seamless omni-channel experiences lies in customers being able to interact with a brand effortlessly across diverse platforms and devices. This fluidity in the customer journey enables a smooth transition from one channel to another. Importantly, this consistency ensures that the brand message remains cohesive, providing customers with a sense of continuity and convenience throughout their interactions. This cohesive experience contributes to increased customer satisfaction while fostering stronger brand loyalty and engagement.

Enhanced Customer Service: Harvard Business Review emphasizes the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, highlighting their capacity to manage up to 80% of routine and repetitive tasks. This efficiency allows human agents to redirect their focus towards addressing more intricate and nuanced customer issues. The integration of AI and chatbots has, indeed, revolutionised customer service by introducing instantaneous, round-the-clock support. These intelligent systems proficiently manage routine inquiries and problem-solving tasks, contributing to improved response times, heightened operational efficiency, and heightened customer satisfaction.

Augmented and Virtual Reality: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are rapidly shaping the technological landscape, ushering in a new era of immersive experiences. According to a report by Statista, the global AR and VR market is poised for remarkable growth, with projections indicating a market size exceeding 250 billion U.S. dollars in the coming years. These technologies have transcended traditional boundaries, allowing companies to engage customers in interactive and lifelike environments. Businesses are increasingly leveraging AR and VR to revolutionise consumer experiences. From virtual product try-ons to immersive virtual tours, these technologies offer a level of engagement that was previously unimaginable. The impact is seen in consumer-facing applications and extends to industries such as e-commerce, where products with AR content have demonstrated a 94% higher conversion rate.

The Business Impact of Transformational Experiences

 Transformational experiences may help create the following impacts —

Customer Loyalty and Retention: When companies invest in technology to create transformational experiences, they often see a substantial increase in customer loyalty and retention. Customers with memorable, personalised interactions with a brand are more likely to return and become advocates. This loyalty translates into recurring revenue and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Brand Differentiation: In today's competitive landscape, standing out from the crowd is crucial. Technology-enabled transformational experiences can set a brand apart from its competitors. Customers are likely to remember and recommend a brand that offers exceptional, unique experiences. This brand differentiation is a powerful asset in driving growth and market share.

Business Growth and Sustainability: Ultimately, adopting technology to create transformational experiences contributes to business growth and sustainability. Companies that continuously adapt to meet the changing needs and expectations of their customers are more likely to thrive in the long term. The ability to innovate and remain agile in the face of evolving technologies positions businesses for success.


Digital transformation marries technology and elevated customer expectations. Here, technology's power lies in forging deeper connections between brands and customers for lasting success."

Overcoming Challenges

While technology can catalyse transformational experiences, it also presents challenges that businesses must address.

Data Privacy and Security: As companies collect and use customer data for personalisation, data privacy and security are paramount concerns. Businesses must diligently safeguard customer information to build trust and maintain regulatory compliance.

Skill Gaps and Training: Implementing and managing new technologies often requires a skilled workforce. Companies may face challenges in finding or developing the necessary talent. Training and upskilling employees are crucial to leveraging technology effectively.

Cost and ROI: Investing in technology can be costly, and businesses need to assess the return on investment (ROI) carefully. A well-executed digital transformation strategy should balance expenses with the potential benefits and revenue growth.

The Real Life Implementations

To illustrate the impact of technology on transformational experiences, here are a few case studies of companies that have successfully harnessed digital transformation to enhance customer experiences.

Disney - The Magic of Custom-Made Services: Disney uses technology to create tailored experiences for its visitors. From Magic Bands that serve as tickets, room keys, and payment methods to bespoke recommendations and itineraries, Disney ensures each visit is a unique and memorable adventure.

Starbucks - The Power of Mobile Ordering: Starbucks has embraced mobile technology to enable customers to order and pay for their coffee through smartphones. This enhances convenience and allows Starbucks to collect valuable data on customer preferences and habits, including the practice of customizing the coffee experience with the customer's name on the cup.

Airbnb - Immersive VR Previews: Airbnb uses virtual reality to provide users with immersive previews of their accommodations. Potential renters can explore their future lodging in detail before making a booking, resulting in a higher level of trust and satisfaction.

The Key To Success

To sum it up, in the era of the experience generations, the role of technology in shaping transformational experiences cannot be overstated. As customer expectations continue to evolve, businesses that leverage digital transformation thrive. The power of technology lies in its ability to forge deeper connections between brands and customers, fostering loyalty, differentiation, and long-term success.

The journey into Industry

Supriya Sharma is a Business Alchemist with a clear vision – to illuminate the world with magical experiences. She's a fairytale-pragmatism-oriented techno-commercial management strategist. Her expertise extends across various industrial segments in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. Supriya is well-recognized for her success in developing processes, designing experiences, nurturing culture, streamlining business operations, and enhancing the quadruple bottom line for SMEs and large corporations.

In 2018, she was awarded the title of 'Ambassador' at the International Summit of Leaders in acknowledgment of her significant contribution to human capital development. Supriya is also a keynote speaker, author of 12 books, and the host of the CX...Oh! Podcast. Additionally, she's known for her work in sustainable tourism in 32 countries and her interests in pistol shooting, golf, and materialistic spirituality.

Supriya holds various notable positions, including Registrar at the Chartered Institute of Leadership & Governance, Country Chair at the WICCI STEM Council, Director of R&D at the African Association of Women in Tourism & Hospitality, Strategic Advisory Board Member at the Regamos Foundation, Chairwoman (India) at Ladies in Business Global, and Founding Member of the European Customer Experience Organization.

Her training specialization encompasses Customer Experience, Sustainable Leadership, Problem Solving and Decision Making (Kepner Tregoe), and Corporate Communication. Supriya's approach is characterized by her commitment to empowering organizations on their journey to excellence.