Shielding Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) in the Digital Arena: The Imperative of Cybersecurity

Sandeep Peshkar, Senior Vice President , Arete


Digital technology has become an integral part of modern business operations. It empowers organizations to reach wider audiences, streamline processes, and achieve higher levels of efficiency. For India, with its "Digital India" initiative, this technology adoption is not just a strategic move but a necessity for economic growth. Embracing these digital opportunities is crucial, but it comes with a dual challenge - the growing threat landscape.


Challenges Faced by SMBs


SMBs, often considered the backbone of the economy, find themselves in a unique position. While they aspire to harness digital technology's potential, several challenges hinder their progress. These businesses often operate with limited financial resources, human capital, and access to cybersecurity expertise – one of the primary reasons that makes it difficult for them to invest in robust security measures and thus fall prey to threat actors and their innovative attack techniques. 


As per the recent report by Arete, ransomware has been the dominant tactic recently, some threat actors are changing tactics to focus on data extortion instead of encryption. Data extortion is a technique that involves stealing the victim’s data and threatening to publish it online if the ransom is not paid. Notably, the prolific group Luna Moth made a resurgence in Q1 of 2023. The group targets small and medium sized businesses that may not have adequate security measures or backups in place and may be more likely to pay a ransom to avoid reputational damage or legal consequences.


Common cyber incidents among small businesses, such as phishing, ransomware, and business email compromise, can have severe consequences. Phishing attacks, in particular, have become highly sophisticated and difficult to detect. Cyber awareness and education are essential in this context, even for SMBs. The potential financial losses resulting from cyber incidents make investing in cybersecurity a prudent choice, as failure to do so may lead to dire consequences, including the closure of business operations.



“In the digital era, cybersecurity is the lifeline that preserves businesses in a dynamic world of technology. It’s not just an expense; it’s an indispensable shield for growth and security.”



Comprehensive Cloud Security


As businesses increasingly use cloud services, it is essential for them to invest in cloud security hand in hand. With the proactive monitoring and tailored security controls informed by threat intelligence, cloud security such as the offering by Arete serves as a robust defense mechanism. Its expanded capabilities, spanning multiple threat vectors such as email, cloud devices, and mobile platforms, fortify SMBs against a diverse range of cyber threats. 


Leveraging actionable threat intelligence and drawing from a wealth of incident response data, this approach ensures that SMBs can bolster their security posture and, critically, reduce business interruptions resulting from cyber incidents. The launch of such services underscores the industry's commitment to equipping SMBs with the tools necessary to navigate the digital world securely. 


Comprehensive Employee Training


Acknowledging that human error is a substantial contributor to security breaches, SMEs should prioritize ongoing employee training in cybersecurity. By cultivating a workforce that is well-versed in recognizing potential threats and adhering to best practices, businesses can significantly reduce their vulnerability to attacks.


Regular Software Updates


Ensuring that all systems and software remain up-to-date is a fundamental practice for SMEs. This routine maintenance helps in patching known vulnerabilities, thereby fortifying the organization's security posture. Cybercriminals often exploit outdated software to gain access to systems, making regular updates a critical defense mechanism.


Strong Password Policies


Implementing robust password policies is crucial to maintaining security. This involves enforcing the use of complex, unique passwords that are regularly updated. By doing so, SMEs can thwart attackers who seek to exploit weak or easily guessable passwords.


Access Controls


SMEs should establish stringent access controls to restrict unauthorized entry to their systems and data. By setting specific permissions and limits on who can access critical information, businesses can reduce the risk of insider threats and unauthorized external access.


Expert Guidance


Collaborating with cybersecurity providers that offer tailored solutions is a prudent approach for SMEs. These experts can assist businesses in navigating their unique security needs while staying within budget constraints. Such partnerships can provide access to specialized knowledge and resources that may not be readily available in-house.


Cybersecurity in the Digital Age: A Prudent Investment


As digital technologies continue to reshape the business landscape, SMBs must adapt and protect their operations in this interconnected world. While cybersecurity might seem like an added cost, it's a critical investment in the sustainability and security of businesses. The risks posed by cyber threats are significant, and failure to address them could result in dire consequences, including the disruption of business operations.


In conclusion, safeguarding SMBs in the digital age is not just a choice but a necessity. As technology propels businesses forward, the wise deployment of cybersecurity measures ensures that they remain resilient and protected in the face of evolving threats. The path may be challenging, but with the right strategy and tailored security measures, SMBs can thrive in the digital era while keeping threat actors at bay.


The journey into Industry

Sandeep Peshkar is a senior Vice President of Operations at Arete with a wealth of experience in the technology and security industries. He has held leadership roles at Bank of America, Infosys Technologies Limited and Zensar Technologies Limited , where he honed his skills in cybersecurity,risk management,software quality assurance and program management activities, He has played diverse roles across global delivery, consulting.sales/pre-sales and global operations.


Sandeep also has significant expertise incubating and growing new competencies to scale and has won multiple awards for his achievements for customer acquisition,delivery and operations.


Sandeep holds numerous certifications including CISM,Certified Scrum master, PMI - Risk Management Professional and Project Management Professional(PMP). These certifications demonstrate his dedication to staying current with the latest industry practices and his commitment to excellence in the field of security.