Empowering Future Generations, Redefining Education For A Changing World

Shihabudheen Founder, Hash Future School


Hash Future School:


Founded by Rebina, Shihabudheen, and Ansal, Hash Future School is at the forefront of redefining education in an era where everything is constantly evolving and times are rapidly changing.


The trio embarked on a homeschooling journey with their children five years ago and discovered that traditional schooling was causing stress and pressure on their children. After searching for alternative educational solutions, they came up with a structured alternative to traditional schooling. That was when Hash Future School was born.


Here's what we received after the conversation with Hash Future’s CEO, Shihabudeen PK


Tell us about your journey and what inspired you to start Hash Future School.


Our experience in homeschooling our children highlighted the limitations of traditional schooling, which was causing stress and putting added pressure on our kids. Moreover, the 20-decade-old outdated curriculum prevented our kids from gaining new insights or knowledge, or an understanding of what’s relevant.


Seeking a solution, we explored alternative education options worldwide and discovered inspiring results.


After receiving requests from family and friends, we decided to transform our homeschooling experiment into an online alternative school and called it the “Hash Future School.”


We aim to provide personalised and holistic education relevant to the modern world, free from the limitations of traditional schooling.


Why do you think the conventional education patterns need to change?


Firstly, the traditional education system is outdated and may not adequately prepare students for the rapidly changing world.


Secondly, traditional learning methods are often rigid and standardised, hindering creativity and critical thinking.


Thirdly. emphasis on testing and grades creates a high-pressure environment, leading to stress and mental health issues.


Lastly, the increasing diversity of our communities and the need for global citizenship demand a more inclusive and culturally sensitive education. Traditional education systems may not be adequately equipped to meet the needs of diverse student populations.


“We believe that every student has the potential to change the world. At Hash Future School, we aim to provide them with the education, tools, and resources they need to unleash that potential and make a positive impact on society.”


What is the key focus of the Hash Future School? Is there any specific skill or area of a child that you aim to focus on?


Hash Future School empowers students to take charge of their education and achieve important milestones early on. By age 10, students learn self-learning skills through innovative approaches such as project-based and inquiry-based learning. By age 15, students gain financial independence through education on financial literacy and entrepreneurship. And by age 17, students are encouraged to design their future education path, providing them with the resources to pursue their unique interests and aspirations.


How are you implanting practical knowledge, so that the children imbibe and retain it in their daily lives as well?


Hash Future School prioritises practical knowledge and real-life experiences in student learning. We use project-based learning, which challenges students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems, resulting in a deeper understanding and better retention of concepts. Students set personalised goals and learning plans, taking ownership of their education to focus on practical knowledge and their passions.


Do you think that children must fit into the societal norms of success? Money, power, fame, and a permanent or “non-risky” job?


Hash Future School empowers students to define success on their terms, beyond societal norms of money, power, and fame. We focus on equipping students with the skills needed for financial independence and entrepreneurship to create positive change. Our goal is to inspire students to pursue their passions and achieve success on their terms.


What changes, according to you, have you seen in the overall psyche of the children when they develop practical skills?


We strongly believe in the transformative power of practical skills on a student's overall psyche and development. Practical skills provide a deeper understanding of concepts, improve retention of information, and boost confidence. Students learn how to take ownership of their learning and find new ways to apply their knowledge, leading to increased engagement and motivation. Ultimately, practical skills empower students to pursue their goals with passion and purpose.


What is the main difference between other schools and Hash Future School?


Hash Future School offers a unique education methodology that emphasises self-learning, financial independence, and personalised learning pathways. Our practical and adaptable approach helps students become well-rounded individuals who can make a positive impact on society. The school encourages students to explore their passions and interests, creating a flexible curriculum that can keep up with the changing times.


How do you classify overachievers and underachievers? How can we bridge the gap between their skills and confidence levels?


At Hash Future School, we focus on personalised and adaptive learning tailored to individual needs and interests. We empower students to discover their potential and bridge the gap between their skills and confidence. Our goal is to create self-directed learners and great leaders of tomorrow.


Do you have a message for all the young minds out there, trying their best to achieve merits in every field, or trying to hone their practical?


At Hash Future School, we encourage our students to embrace their uniqueness and view failures as opportunities to learn and grow. We cultivate a growth mindset that emphasizes hard work, determination, and positivity to help them achieve their goals and aspirations. We aim to create a community of lifelong learners who are equipped to thrive in a rapidly changing world.


Future Plans

Hash Future School plans to expand by increasing enrollment, establishing partnerships, and offering new programs in emerging fields. They aim to create a physical campus and a global alumni network for continued learning and collaboration.


With a focus on personalised and holistic education, the school inspires creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. By redesigning education to meet modern needs, Hash Future School is inspiring a new generation of learners.


Mrs. Rebina Shihabudheen: A seasoned fashion design professional with over five years of industry experience. Inspired by her journey as a mother, she seamlessly incorporates the values and educational system of Hash Future School into her designs. Mrs. Shihabudheen's responsibilities include talent acquisition, comprehensive training programs, and efficient day-to-day operations at the school.


Mr. Shihabudheen P K: An accomplished computer engineer with a remarkable career spanning fifteen years. His expertise lies in developing cutting-edge applications and contributing to AI research. Mr. Shihabudheen has spent a decade unraveling the intricacies of global educational systems, bringing valuable insights to #FutureSchool.


Mr. Ansal E A: A dynamic mechanical engineer leading the family business in real estate and construction. With extensive expertise and a visionary approach to entrepreneurship, Mr. Ansal drives the financial management of #FutureSchool. His focus on growth and innovation ensures a solid foundation for future success.