From Fitness Revolution to the Sahara Victory: A Journey Through Endurance

Mahasweta Ghosh, Sr Director Marketing at Sutherland


Embarking on the arduous path of endurance running is a relentless pursuit, demanding not only physical strength but an indomitable spirit. In the gritty world of marathons and ultramarathons, one individual's journey stands as a testament to unyielding willpower— Mahasweta Ghosh—Her story is a powerful narrative of transformation, resilience, and triumph. From the dusty landscapes of Bengaluru to the scorching dunes of the Sahara, Mahasweta Ghosh's journey is a reflection of discipline, preparation beyond bounds, and a profound connection between mind and body.

The Advent of a Fitness Revolution

In 2000, in Bangalore, I faced a turning point - weighing 78 kilograms, battling health issues, and being entrenched in unhealthy habits. Fitness became my remedy. Gym sessions broke stereotypes, fostering a passion for the transformative power of physical activity.


Running, initially mundane, took a pivotal turn in 2012 when a friend's encouragement led me to a half-marathon. A surprising podium finish transformed running from a lacklustre sport into a motivating endeavour. The flame of passion was ignited, marking the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

Preparation Beyond Conventional Bounds

Fast forward to the Marathon Des Sables, one of the world's toughest races, it became my crucible. Preparation, meticulous and intense, transcended the ordinary. Logging weekly mileage, incorporating strength training and mobility workouts into my 6 day routine, and prioritising recovery with foam rolling, resistance band exercises, ice baths, and regular sessions with my physiotherapist amidst a full-time job as a technology marketeer—it all became part of the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Disciplined Nutrition

Discipline extended beyond training. Consuming a disciplined 1,200 calories daily, adhering to a gluten-free diet, and practising intermittent fasting fueled my arduous training sessions and not to forget, the Marathon Des Sables itself.

Conquering the Sahara

Over 80 races, including three world majors, international marathons, ultra, and trail runs—each a stepping stone towards the pinnacle. The Marathon Des Sables, a 250 km odyssey through the Sahara desert, stands as a testament to human endurance. Completing it in an impressive 55 hours and 42 minutes was not merely a personal triumph but a lesson in minimalism and self-sufficiency.


Lessons from the Sands: Beyond Running

The MDS, a race often described as the distance of six regular marathons, presented extreme conditions—scorching temperatures, rocky mountains, sandstorms, and vast sandy dunes. It wasn't just a race; it was an education in minimalism and self-sufficiency, embodying the essence of pushing limits and emerging victorious.

Looking Ahead

As I reflect on historic achievements, my gaze remains fixed on upcoming challenges, such as the Berlin Marathon. Lessons from the Sahara resonate in various aspects of my life, emphasising the importance of pushing limits and emerging victorious.

Insights into the Journey

What led to the transformative change towards running?

Running became my refuge in 2000, a transformative change to combat unhealthy habits. Gym sessions in Bangalore became a cornerstone, fostering a passion for fitness that evolved into a profound passion.


How does completing the challenging Marathon Des Sables feat resonate with you?

Completing the Marathon Des Sables was a journey into the unknown, symbolising triumph over challenges and embracing collective resilience, determination, and unwavering support. It holds personal significance, grounding me in gratitude for the invaluable lessons learned.


How do these Marathons shape your approach to life and training?

The MDS taught profound lessons in minimalism, resilience, and grit. It emphasises simplifying, focusing on what truly matters, and cultivating an unyielding spirit—a philosophy that echoes in my approach to life, work, and training.


What fuels your continuous pursuit of pushing limits?

Transformative changes that running brought into my life fuel my motivation. Every race is a journey, a path of self-discovery. Overcoming challenges inspires me, firmly believing that any goal can be achieved with the right mindset.


What's in store, and how do you set new goals?

Preparing for challenges like the Berlin Marathon marks my next adventure. Setting new goals involves seeking growth opportunities, embracing fresh challenges, and keeping the thrill alive by striving for excellence.


What guidance do you offer to those embarking on their running journeys?

My advice is straightforward—never give up. Adopt an attitude of determination and perseverance, and just do it. The path may be challenging, but with the right mindset, any obstacle can be overcome on the journey to greatness.