A Potent AI Framework that Can Accelerate Drug Development


How would this molecule react with that one? If you’re playing a guessing game, you can afford as many answers—even wrong ones—as you want. However, when you take that question to a drug development center, it becomes a matter of great seriousness. Testing molecular reactions is no mean feat. It involves laborious and often lengthy chemical procedures that must be conducted with meticulous precision. Did you ever imagine that AI would become a collaborator in the domain of drug development? That just happened.


Ohio State University’s best brains have created an AI tool called G2Retro that accurately predicts molecular reactions, slashing excessive testing time, and expediting the process of drug development and production, which hugely relies on retrosynthesis.


Retrosynthetic analysis is a problem-solving approach used in organic chemistry to plan the synthesis of complex molecules. It involves breaking down the target molecule into simpler fragments and identifying the optimal route for synthesis. It helps chemists to design efficient synthetic routes, optimise processes, and create novel compounds with desired properties. While this process aid the discovery and production of new drugs, it is a long-drawn and time-intensive process. Chemists would have to carry out several trials and errors before zeroing in on the right reaction. This is where G2Retro enters the scene.


The developers of the G2Retro framework trained the AI tool by feeding it 40 years’ worth of chemical reactions—around 40,000 in total. The tool leverages its understanding of different molecular structures using deep neural networks, which helps it determine routes to generate a particular molecule using different reactants.


As G2Retro is purposed for assistance in drug development, it had to undergo a reliability test. It was asked to predict synthesis routes for four existing drugs: Oteseconazole (for vaginal yeast infections), Mitapivat (for hemolytic anemia), Tapinarof (for plaque psoriasis), and Mavacamten (for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). The test run was a massive success because G2Retro not only got the usual reactant structures correct, but also generated alternative synthetic predictions in a matter of minutes, a task that would have taken a human drug developer hours or days.


Our generative AI method G2Retro is able to supply multiple different synthesis routes and options, as well as a way to rank different options for each molecule,” said Xia Ning, Ph.D., the main author of the study and computer science and engineering faculty at Ohio State University.


However, despite its impressive capabilities, G2Retro, still has a long way to go. It is still not fluent in every reaction type, necessitating further training and research. Once it has been updated, it will be a boon to the drug engineering industry.


Ning further states that the team’s focus is on using AI to save human lives through the development of medicines. With a tool like G2Retro, they save time and money while designing drugs with superior properties. So, it’s a win-win all around.


“This is not going to replace current lab-based experiments, but it will offer more and better drug options so experiments can be prioritised and focused much faster”