Sustainability needs AI!

When we refer to sustainability, more often than not, it’s the environmental facets that get more attention than the economic, ...


Jan, 2024

Kicking the AI regulation can down the road to the frontier

The last month has been filled with two kinds of news on AI: the OpenAI-Sam Altman saga, and the race to regulate AI....


Jan, 2024

AI in Marketing: Democratizing Content Helping Brand Blitzscale

There is a big conversation in the boardrooms today about how the company is and using the power of Generative AI ...


Jan, 2024

Unleashing the Power of Generative AI: A Game-Changer for IT Professionals

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable advancements, from traditional machine learning to ...


Jan, 2024

FluxGen Sustainable Technologies: Harnessing Technology For A Water-Positive Future

In an era marked by unprecedented human development and technological advancements, water is an invaluable resource, ...


Jan, 2024

The Future of Work: AI and its Impact on Employment

The advent of AI has ushered in a new era in the labour market, marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting employment paradigms....


Jan, 2024

Redefining Peace: The Unseen Link Between Environmental and Social Well-being

The traditional understanding of peace often revolves around the absence of war or direct violence. However, true peace encompasses more than just the absence o...


Jan, 2024

Accelerating Generative AI Adoption through an Interconnected and Open Ecosystem

The meteoric ascent of generative AI has engendered a profound impact on companies and consumers globally. Thankfully, the initial maelstrom of fascination and ...


Jan, 2024

Navigating the AI Digital Age: The Importance of Upskilling

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the digital landscape, transforming industries and work dynamics. With organizations integrating AI ...


Jan, 2024

ESG as a Value Driver for Building Customer Relationships, Brand Reputation and M&A Strategy

In the pursuit of adhering to the critical 2°C threshold, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have evolved into a pivotal driver for value c...


Jan, 2024

Emerald Leadership: A Symphony of Power, Vision, and Triumph

In the dynamic landscape of corporate leadership, where legacies are sculpted and leaders shine, there emerges an individual akin to a resplendent emerald—rad...


Dec, 2023

Accelerating Digital Adoption: Winning Strategies for the Next Decade

The digital movement has become the pillar of the business landscape. Digitalisation has embedded itself into every nook of the industrial sphere, and digital t...


Dec, 2023

Geras Health: Pioneering Healthcare Evolution through Technological Ingenuity

Within the woes and throes of the pandemic, the feasibility and accessibility of health monitoring and care, particularly for the elderly, became a formidable c...


Dec, 2023

Higher Education for a Sustainable Future of Work

Since WW II, the world has seen unprecedented progress and peace. Colonies were being freed, industry was booming, and the general populace was getting more pro...


Dec, 2023

Navigating the Intersection of Roles: Can a CISO be a DPO?

The introduction of the Indian Data Protection and Privacy law, DPDP ACT 2023, mandates the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) under specific circum...


Dec, 2023

Beyond Green: A Trailblazing Journey into Sustainable Agriculture

Amidst the clamour of modernity, the authentic essence of farm produce often fades into obscurity. The rising crescendo of novel ailments and untimely mortality...


Dec, 2023

Mastering Transformation: The Importance of Change Management in Digital Strategy

Companies are navigating a terrain beyond the traditional domains of employees, customers, and products in the contemporary business landscape. Effective change...


Dec, 2023

Cultivating Sustainable Leadership: Balancing Gains with Ethical Responsibility

Today's corporate landscape is swiftly evolving, and the notion of sustainability has risen to paramount importance. Businesses across diverse sectors are embra...


Dec, 2023

Beyond Limits: Quantum Computing’s Odyssey Towards Sustainable Development Goals

In the quest for a sustainable and just future, the world stands on the brink of a quantum revolution, where quantum computing emerges as a game-changer. Armed ...


Dec, 2023

Unleashing Voicebots: Transforming Conversations with Artificial Intelligence

In the realm of technology, Voicebots emerge as conversational robots adept at interacting through voice commands, acting as virtual agents that comprehend and ...


Dec, 2023

Digital Twins: The Pinnacle Trend of 2023

The concept of digital twins, born in the early 1990s, has evolved over nearly three decades, offering various definitions. While some view it as data stored in...


Dec, 2023

SITA World Tours (USA): Leveraging Technology to Revolutionize Travel Experiences

In its remarkable 90-year journey through the dynamic landscape of travel and tourism, SITA World Tours (USA) has proven to be a stalwart since its inception in...


Dec, 2023

Revolutionizing Healthcare: HOUSEPITAL Pioneers a Paradigm Shift in Patient Care

In contemporary healthcare, a whirlwind of escalating costs, a scarcity of skilled hands, and the encroaching wave of aging demographics have unleashed a maelst...


Dec, 2023

Unleashing Growth through Ecosystems and Alliances

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” You might have heard this proverb, often attributed to African origin with a path ch...


Dec, 2023