The Digital Technology Transformation: A Path to Resilience

Atul Shukla, Chief Information Security Officer , NSEIT LIMITED

The global landscape of digital technology has woven its intricate web into nearly every facet of human existence, magnified during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Internet has become an indispensable partner in our technological journey, propelling economies and fostering connectivity. Safeguarding the digital realm through cybersecurity has become imperative to sustain this momentum. A recent report revealed that businesses experienced a cyber incident in the last year, costing an average of $200,000 for each incident.

The Path to Resilience

In an era where digital technology intertwines with every aspect of our lives — resilience becomes paramount. Five key pillars can define the approach to resilience —

Defend Mission-Critical Infrastructure: Safeguarding critical infrastructure against adversarial activities necessitates a cybersecurity model that mirrors the distributed structure of the Internet. This involves a distributed, networked approach, fostering collaboration among defenders and enabling the automated exchange of data, information, and knowledge. It's about creating a "network of networks" that enhances situational awareness and collective action among cyber defenders.

Dismantle Threat Actors: Coordinated efforts to disrupt and dismantle malicious cyber activity are integral. This involves integrating information, financial, intelligence, and law enforcement capabilities to render malicious actors incapable of sustaining cyber-enabled campaigns that threaten security or public safety.

Build Resilience Program: Resilience is cultivated through security principles and priorities that prioritize the availability of essential security infrastructure services. Systems must be designed to fail safely and recover quickly, balancing accessibility and security.

Invest in a Resilient Future: Investment in a resilient digital future is essential. This requires replacing or updating outdated IT and OT systems that are vulnerable to sophisticated cyber threats. Implementing multi-factor authentication and encrypting data is critical to a zero-trust architecture strategy.

Increase Regulator Partnerships Globally: Increasing partnerships with regulators globally is crucial in fostering a collaborative approach to cybersecurity. By harmonizing regulations and standards internationally, nations and industries can work together to address the transnational nature of cyber threats. This cross-border collaboration facilitates information sharing, standardization, and early threat detection while also preventing regulatory arbitrage, ultimately strengthening our collective defense against cyberattacks.

Digital Transformation and Security

The digital transformation has revolutionized our economies and brought convenience to consumers. However, the proliferation of personal information and the IoT (Internet of Things) devices introduces new threats and challenges.

Data Security: The dramatic growth of personal information poses challenges to consumer privacy. When organizations fail to act as responsible stewards of this data, the impact of data breaches on consumers is heightened.

IoT Devices: IoT devices, spanning from consumer goods to industrial control systems, have become integral to our lives and businesses. Yet, many IoT devices lack adequate cybersecurity protection, often with insecure default settings and limited patching capabilities.

Market Incentives: The market often rewards entities introducing vulnerable products or services into the digital ecosystem. Many vendors disregard best practices for secure development and fail to address known vulnerabilities, amplifying systemic risks.

Liability and Responsibility: While innovation is essential, companies developing software must be held liable when they fail to meet their duty of care toward consumers, businesses, or critical infrastructure providers. Placing responsibility on stakeholders capable of preventing adverse outcomes will encourage safer products and services while preserving innovation.


“Cybersecurity is a collective responsibility that extends beyond borders. International partnerships with regulators harmonize standards and enhance our ability to detect and respond to global cyber threats effectively.”


A Data-Driven Approach to Resilience

Implementing this strategy necessitates a data-driven approach, measuring investments, progress, and outcomes to assess effectiveness. Regular assessments ensure the strategy remains adaptable and responsive to evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

In conclusion, the digital technology transformation is an unstoppable force that has changed how we live and work. As we navigate this digital landscape, an approach to resilience is vital. Entrepreneurs are pivotal in this journey, serving as innovators who drive technological advancements and foster a secure digital future. With responsible stewardship of data and a focus on fast development, this approach is the path to ensuring a resilient and secure digital world.


The journey into industry


Atul Shukla is a seasoned professional with an impressive 22-year career in Information and Cyber Security. Currently serving as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Atul is at the forefront of transforming security operations. His journey includes transitioning security practices from traditional methods to new, intelligent modes of operation, marked by strategic automation and integration. Atul's vision revolves around revolutionizing business-centric cybersecurity, emphasizing intelligent mechanisms and cloud security solutions in the digital landscape to enhance customer support. He leads a talented team, fostering a culture of Information Security within the core of organizations. Atul's expertise spans Cloud Security and an assertive approach to Cyber Security practices, extending global security support through intelligent dashboards. He manages security services, nurtures client relationships, educates teams on emerging technologies, imparts security training, and aids organizations in developing SMART cyber-security operations, leveraging Security Operations Centers (SOCs). Atul is also an ethical hacker with extensive knowledge of cyber security and an expert in open-source security technologies like Kali. His proficiency extends to real-time threat hunting through security profiling, and his strong global market partnerships further enhance his role in the industry.